A YES! to Life.
Living (from) the true Self and its flow.


What am I?
Is there more to us/our reality than what we are currently perceiving, creating, experiencing, and living?

What is (my/our) true nature?
What YES! is my body-mind being invited to live?
How is life, that is me already in service to my highest expression and experience?

The Life we are, awaits our YES!
We are sacred desire.
We are a holy intention.
As the true Self, we are the very life that is a YES!

If this resonates, we would love for you to join our women’s wisdom circle as we journey this exploration together.
This is an intimate small group circle so please email info@supriyakini.com and confirm your attendance.

Please join us for a FOLLOW UP INTRODUCTORY PODCAST on Mentza.
Weds, 27th July 2022, 9 pm.

Link - https://on.mentza.com/circles/25721
(Please download the app.)

WHEN: 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Sunday, July 31 2022

Dr Disha Ghosal
E606, Hoysala Habitat
Nagenahalli, Yelahanka
Bangalore 560064
Landmark : on the Road opposite BMS institute of Technology and Management .

PRICE: Rs. 1500.00
A single aligned YES can transform worlds.
Inspired by Mr. T. Raja’s (Auto Raja) story a major part of the proceeds will go to support The New Ark Mission of India.
More @ https://newarkmission.org/about-new-ark-mission/


The one realization and shift that is and holds the possibility to transform how we experience living.
I AM (IS) a YES to and as Life!

This is an intimate small group circle so please email info@Supriyakini.com in the earliest to confirm your attendance.
I look forward to celebrating this time and us together.
Much love.