Supriya Kini


महासिव्रत्री Mahashivaratri (8).png

ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namaha Shivaya

Na, Ma, Śi, Vā and Ya  - Shiva Panchakshari. पञ्चाक्षर is an ancient Vedic mantra. 
Om Namah Shivaya is celebrating Shiva, a symbol of Consciousness and the Supreme Self/Reality. 
In Physicality he is Bhuteshwara – the Lord of the Elements who is a manifestation of the Pancha Bhutas (5 Elements).
In praising him, we recognize our physical body/plane is simply a play of elements that create the experience of our reality.
When integrated and in balance, Na – Earth, Mah – Water, Shi – Fire, Va – Air, Ya – Sky, or Ether means living/experiencing in, from and as the ultimate Shiva/Guru Tattva.
Chanting this mantra invokes each element's power to interact in ways that allow us to live/express from our true consciousness/Self.
Celebrating him on Mahashivaratri is standing in our highest possibility as consciousness.


You are love and I, your beloved.
You are life and I am living.
My love for you is not mine.
It is you loving me.
You, my Maheshwara (Supreme Self)
Are the luminosity of my shapes.
My form, your desire.
My play, your intention.

Digital Art - Supriya Kini

Śivaśakti - Digital Art - Supriya Kini

Shakti is Shiva’s pure desire and intention.
Their play, a play of the Self.
To know Ishwara’s love for Shakti is to know
All love is Self love.
Tryambakam, his sight, pure and whole.
Adoring all parts of her
Her wholeness is what creates her exuberant dance.
She, forever anchored within him
He, alive and Nataraja because of her.
Yin and Yang
She is his activism. He, her ultimate surrender.
The illuminating Sun Chandrapal to her opal Moon.
Akhileshwara, he is the center around which she dances.
A matter of his vibration.
She births mystery from his void.
A pure receptivity of his benevolence.
She is Shankara’s expansion and he, her resolution.
To love Shiva is to embody Shakti.
To be and see as Shiva is to become and be seen as Shakti.

Shivoham - I AM

Bholenath, the innocent one
He lies Avyaya, eternal.
Beyond experience and concepts.
He is Dhyanadeep, the light of meditation.
She, his awareness and experience.
Loving through Anantadhrishti a zillion eyes
Watching her dynamism.
Swallowing her whole.
He disappears into his abyss.
Sarveshwara - He is all there is.

As Jagadisha, he fragments himself as her play.
Here. There. Known. Unknown.
Mahakaal, as created Time.
The manifested world that is her.
A tandava of Shiva-Shakti
Nityapriya. Enthralled in her alluring play.
Seeing the beauty of what is
In the colors of the cloaks donned.

Stillness in movement. Silence in sound.
Neelkantha, he is the pure silence behind her speech.
Steep in the Meditation of your Aumkara Self.
Breathe and invoke her as Prana.
Pranayama is living Shakti.
Meditation is steeping in him as Achintya.
Embodying Shiva-Shakti is a wholehearted loving.
The living of our most whole expansive selves.
He is Sadashiva (Omnipresent) in and as her Mahamaya(Great Illusion).

The process of Pranayama and Meditation is an energetic remembrance. Of what we are as Chiranjeevini.
A way back to our home.
Achyut. That is right here and now.
An apparent unfolding of the being
A continuous experiential evolving and becoming.
Shiva-Shakti is Meditation and Pranayama.
A way back to the omniscient home that we never left.
MahaShivaratri - The greatest darkest nights of all nights.
We praise him, the dark Sanatana
Because of which she plays in light and darkness.
We acknowledge him as us.
Mahamrityunjaya - Deathless
Aja, unknown, unseen, from which known and seen arises.
We acknowledge Adiyogi’s living is the offering that creates what we are in physicality.
A day of remembrance and celebration.
All an echo of the fragrant flowering of I AM.


Shiva-Shakti, a living love

They are one living/loving two worlds... 
As two lips that make a divine kiss. 
Two eyes that see one sight. 
Two legs that walk the same path. 
Two hands that come together. 
Their union, an orgasmic bliss. 
Shiva-Shakti is Life ecstatically lit up. 
Shiva-Shakti is pristine stillness in vibrant flow. 
A dwelling Ardhanareshwara
Shiva-Shakti is a living-love.

Rapturously free only in his embrace. 
She is the sprouting of his Pushkara seed. 
The spark of his Satyah source. 
He is the medium of all her colors. 
The artist of her sublime creativity. 
He is the bitten ripe fruit from which her sweet nectar drips. 
He is Rudra, the inky fierce dark night to her dawn. 
She, an awakening of his deep slumberous sleep.

He is imperturbable Purusha and she, metamorphosing Prakruti. 
Behold all parts of their entwined nature. 
To love him as Anagha is to love her. 
Don't grasp at any parts of her. 
You cannot own her. 
She is shimmering sand. 
Incandescent liquid 
She will slip through your fingers 
She lives creating time. 
Dancing to her tune. 
She cannot be contained or controlled. 
She has to be trusted. 
She cannot be cut apart and dissected. 
The knife of a conditioned mind
Knows not what it does. 
Live/love her in totality as he does. 
She is his beloved. 
And is simply to be-loved.

She is this. She is that. 
She is kindness. She is wrath. 
She is mother. She is Shrishti. 
He is Jnanendra, and she his bhakti. 
She is prana. She is breath. 
She lives, and only she experiences death. 
Born from his peace Shantah
She is creation in process. 
She is what you experience as a lot more or a little less. 

As a coin flipping in mid air. 
She lives both sides. 
She is thirst and its satiation. 
She is pain and pleasure. 
She is that which disgusts. 
She, the one who mesmerizes. 
She lives. She decays. 
She gives and also takes. 
In the struggle lies her ease. 
In her problem, the solution. 
In the confusion and doubt, her clarity. 
She arises as it all. 

There is no half heartedness in her living. 
What part of her do you accept, rejecting an other? 
Which side of her do you stand for, fighting the other? 
Playing the role she calls on her sacred equanimous ground.
She is the Jagatdharini (World creator).
She is him Lokankara in action. 
He is her Kailash at rest.
Lost in her maya she is forgetting. 
Waking up to her truth, she is remembrance. 

Jai Shiv Shambho!
Shiva-Shakti is Satchitananda.
A harmonious expression and explosion of joy and play!

महाशिवरात्रि - MAHASHIVRATRI

Mahashivaratri is celebrated every year as the Sun moves into Pisces in the auspicious Hindu month of Magha/Phalguna. It is a wild, dark night of high frequency energies that arrives just a day before the New Moon.  
Mahashivratri: The Great Night of Shiva (Consciousness) is a one-day and night celebration where the veil of Maya thins enough to allow higher consciousness to permeate physicality. And therefore is also celebrated as a night of the marriage of Shiva-Shakti. The one who vibrates as Shiva plays as Shakti! 

The positioning of the Northern hemisphere on this day/night is such that when we sit erect, it allows the Chakras of our bodies to align with the sacred geometry of the cosmic Chakras. 
When upright our merudanda (Spine) hailed as the microcosmic axis of the macrocosmic axis receives an extremely high rush of energy, the rate of which is said to be only available on this one night. It is an opportune time to embody and awaken as Shiva himself. 
This is a rare event where losing sleep and staying up through the night in meditation is highly recommended for everyone this one day.  

For all who participate, this is a day where we make ourselves completely available for this to transpire by fasting, praying, and meditating.  
Mahashivratri favors an unfathomable direct experience of spiritual enlightenment and liberation like no other night. 
A night of potential and possibility, this celebration is all about realizing, living and expressing our highest self.

Mahashivaratri 2024 is on March 8th.
- Find the exact date, time, etc on THIS PAGE by entering your geographical details.
- March 6th - Vijaya Ekadashi


The 14th night of the lunar month in the waning phase/Krishna Paksha) is considered the darkest night of the month and is called Shivratri. While every month has a Shivaratri, the Shivaratri that arrives in Feb/March is celebrated as Mahashivratri as it heralds a significant shift in energies.
The ancient cultures knew we are an integral part of Nature and how by living and aligning with the phases of the Moon, we can live in and as our true Nature and move in ways that serve the highest good of all.
The wisdom of the Moon has always been revered a guidance system as it is seen as a reflection of the light we are in our human self.
The waning phases of the Moon as the light diminishes on her face, she invite us to spend our time going inwards. It's a time best used to journal, contemplate and meditate so we can sense what new beginnings are simmering within. On the other hand, the waxing phase of the Moon is a more creative time for us where we are called to expand, express, and become visible as she does.
One may also say the waning Moon time is when we are called to move towards Shiva and our Spiritual Nature while the waxing Moon time is a time of play as Shakti on this physical plane.

Aligning with Nature and the cycles of the Moon allows us to effortlessly live our most balanced, fulfilled lives.
As the trueSelf our body-minds naturally recognize and live these cycles. When functioning from beyond the conditions of the Mind, we can observe how our unconditioned and aligned body-minds naturally move to Nature's innate rhythm because that is what we are. Living our most expansive aligned lives is not as complicated as the conditions of the Mind tend to define it. When our body-minds are well integrated, our whole experience of life on this plane flowers beautifully.
We naturally experience more joy, love, and peace and our every movement arises from the wisdom and intuition of our true center.

To celebrating the journey from ॐ नमः शिवाय OM NAMAH SHIVAYA, where we recognize ourselves as a play of the 5 elements in these body-minds and realizing शिवोऽहम् SHIVOHAM - I AM that which all IS.
Bolo Har Har Mahadev!
Wishing everyone a very Happy Mahashivaratri!