Practices that help during certain and uncertain times

The relationship we have with the state of our mind determines our state of BEING. Aligning ourselves, therefore, becomes key in times of uncertainty and change.
I don’t watch the news. I have not watched it in years. I get most of what I need to really know and learn from a diverse set of people/groups I deeply trust.
This time now with the COVID-19 pandemic it has been a bit different as uncertainty looms large on all of us and we are all learning together.
To educate ourselves so we can be better equipped hence becomes each one‘s responsibility.
There is so much information out there. How do we parse through all the information and understand what is relevant and true for us?
How do we really discern?
I have seen for me, my ability to discern is very much dependent on my state of being. The more aware I am within, the more I know what is right for me in any given moment.

This morning as I walked I thought about all the practices that have served me the most. This is my daily practice in all times and I hope this helps you as well.

  1. As you open your eyes to the new day, stay in bed for a few minutes before jumping out. Breathe. You made it! You have another day as a gift! Feel the magic of that.

  2. Start your day early if possible. Don't get on to social media or other news sources yet. Zone and anchor into your intention for the day.

  3. Boost your immunity by drinking warm water as much as possible. In the morning add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to your water. This alkalizes your system. A alkalized ph balanced system is healthier and more immune to diseases. Add a spoon of your local honey and it may help keep your allergies at bay as well! I also take a few ayurvedic cleansing and immune building herbs like Giloy and sprouted Barley grass juice.
    Managing your intake based on seasonal changes is a very good practice to keep your body in a healthy shape.

  4. Do or bump up your BREATH WORK practice. I cannot emphasize this enough. Pranayama practices have proven to build your immune system and some like Bhastrika and Anulom Vilom especially help strengthen your lungs. I speak to this from years of experience.
    This is my all-time favorite practice -

  5. Step out into nature, especially early in the morning and even if it’s for 15 mins. Walking in nature mindfully helps us ground and step out of our lower minds. The lower reptilian mind is the one that reacts in fear from past conditioning. I prefer to do this alone but you can do this in company if you like. In Austin, those Dogwood, Redbud, and Bluebonnet blossoms in colors of white pink and blue are truly a sight to behold. Go say hello!

  6. While you are there or at home, stretch to reconnect with your body. Our body is the magical tool we have to create the life we dream to live. The cells in our body have an innate intelligence and know better on how to heal and handle stress than our minds. These stretches don’t have to be any major yoga poses. Simple stretches will suffice. From neck rolls to basic bends. Center yourself and listen to your body. She holds your past stories and conditioning. Hold space to deeply listen to her truths.

  7. Meditate. i.e: become a witness and watch your mind and body. This most importantly helps one build the skill of discernment which is so useful during these times. What’s real? Where is your fear talking? ALLOW.
    I cannot emphasize the importance of the practice of allowing. Allow what arises so it may serve the moment and you in the best way possible.
    Through this practice allow your mind and body to cleanse itself so it may become the transparent powerful tool its meant to be.

  8. Journal — I do this with my kiddos as well. Post your meditation or quiet moment or two, write the dominant thoughts as they flow. Watch what is arising amidst these changes. DON’T OVERTHINK OR JUDGE. Do this for 5 mins and let it be. In a few days you’ll see a pattern emerging. See what’s really true for you. What do you feel called to change?

  9. Plan your day by creating clear structured and unstructured times. Follow it to the best of your ability. This is life so make sure to be compassionate with yourself when a real reason to take a detour shows up and be your own best champion when it to sticking to the course! Get the support you need and stay joyfully focused on the process rather than the destination.

  10. LAUGH. Find humor wherever you can. Look for it in everything. I literally follow and call people who make me laugh out loud. It’s a gift and one of the highest vibrations we can embody!

  11. Call your loved ones. Connect with ones who you sense may need it. Speak from your centered self knowing you speak to the divine in them.

  12. Cook with your family. We are using herbs and spices as we usually do to boost our system. Turmeric, Ginger, Cumin, Fenugreek seeds, Pepper, Lemongrass, Mint, Cilantro and more. Eat light. Use organic vegetables and fruits whenever possible. Eliminate sugar, and processed foods. Limit dairy.
    Try new recipes. Tonight’s menu — Tomato Garlic Rasam
    and Indian Cabbage stir fry —

  13. Wash your hands. Keep the flow low so you don’t waste water. Use the 1 min to wash your hands mindfully. I sing as I wash. Yeah, I know. ;)
    Also, I am one of those who is very wary of using chemical sanitizers and feel nature does an equally good job for the most part!
    Use essential oils that have antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties and make your own sanitizer!
    Get some Aloe Vera Gel and some glycerin from the store ( I get mine from
    Add tea tree oil, eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, lavender …and voila! In fact, ask the kiddos to make their own unique blend! Good Spring break project idea me thinks. Look for recipes and more info online. There is much out there on this.
    And yes, please get them from companies that focus on sustainable and responsible sourcing. YOUNG LIVING and DOTERRA are the ones I recommend.
    And I am NOT affiliated in any way with any of the resources I have listed here. I share because they work for me and I love what they stand for.

  14. Read a page from your favorite book that uplifts you. I am re-reading “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle for the umpteenth time. Cannot recommend it enough.

  15. Be a part of online communities. Engage with people and groups where you sense deep resonance. Groups coming together to gather, meditate and discuss can especially be a haven in these uncertain times.

  16. Make your home a sanctuary for your soul. If you know you are going to be at home for a longer duration of time or even otherwise, make it a space that will nourish your whole being. Light a lamp or a candle in your space. Keep plants. We use a diffuser with our favorite essential oil. Create an altar. Play your favorite music. Dance. Take a long shower. Offer loads of kisses and hugs to loved ones when possible. See their light.
    There’s so much to all of this…
    My kids are urging to add a pet to this list…but I have not gathered that courage yet!

  17. If you have time on your hands - declutter that space you’ve always been wanting to. Make it a family activity! Marie Kondo it. Bless the stuff you know you have not used in years. Say thank you and bid it adieu. It will help someone who really is in need. Simplifying your Life creates more space for the things in life that you really want such as explorations, experiences, and conversations.

  18. Write — write that piece that’s calling to you. Share that insight. This is what I was called to do as I walked this morning. And am I glad I listened. As I write this, I already feel so centered and grateful.

By the time you are done with all this, you may see and experience that you already have more than what you need to live this beautiful sacred life.
Even in these uncertain times.
As you feel the joy of being present and alive, you may also realize how it may be different for so many around you. These can be trying times for many. Not all live the same lives or have the same luxuries.
You may feel called to help. To look for opportunities and serve in ways that feel right for you.

Hold space and compassion for all that arises and for all that gets defined. Overreaction. Underreaction. Not enough. Too much, this, that….
Look for the possibility of a bigger good through this for all.
We are all waking up together.

From this aligned space go read up on articles online. Gather information mindfully. Be very aware to whom and where you unwittingly may be giving your power away as well. Fear-based solutions and help come in many disguises. Trust yourself to know. We all have the power to choose differently in any given moment.
Laugh at those Whatsapp forwards. Some are really funny!

These practices help us hold a larger perspective so we may hold a clearer picture of what’s really happening. Within and out.
Let’s learn to educate ourselves from a space that is beyond the familiar mind. Make a list of what resonates and what precautions you may need to follow. Share with friends and family.

These practices have helped me much when I have practiced them:) and I hope they help you too.
If there are some other practices you do that have worked or not, please share in the comments below. I’d love to hear about it.

Wishing you all intentional, mindful, and joyful times ahead!
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay true.
Much love.