SHUT UP and Blog.

I have been contemplating on doing this for a while now. Yes, shut upping (like little N says) and blogging:) Finally, am proud today to have at least opened my first blogging account! Yay!
Be happy because this spares you from listening to my inconsequential gabble:)

The first time I actually heard the word “Blog” I went “Hmmm another new bad word?”
Once enlightened of course my interest perked up! I realized that with the veritable smorgasbord of thoughts that run through my head every minute, this could very well be the perfect way to make sense of it all!
Ha! Lofty thought you say aye?

As Oscar says “The final mystery is oneself.” And as I hear the call from within I feel it’s high time I unraveled this one for myself. All the best to me on penning down all my thoughts…which are haphazard and random enough for me to understand itself in the first place. But hey, no fun in doing anything unless it’s a challenge right?

So here’s to my first step onto this path… I hope you join me on this journey that I intend to enjoy every moment of –  Life is a high with good company!

P.S: I wrote this 3 years ago. yes. And that was it. What makes one have the urge to blog and share a smorgasbord (yes I looked up the word for spelling – again.:D And is it the biggest blogging faux paus to use the same word twice in a blog? ) of their feelings and thoughts while simultaneously having the urge not to for the fear of …well, too many fears to list here and this is just my first post so we shall keep the dirty talk for later.

So the bigger question is not about life and it’s mysteries, it’s right now more about – now what? or next?:)  I honestly don’t know. Like everything in life, am going to take one day at a time.

Today, I was inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert and Brene Brown’s fresh and honest take on Creativity and Vulnerability.

God bless both of them! Elizabeth, in her interviews so beautifully articulated what I have felt deeply for years but could have never put into words in a million years like she did.
Recently all she has written and spoken resonates so deeply with me.
And it’s funny because her first book didn’t do anything for me. In spite of the fact that a big chunk of it contained a part of my tradition and culture.
Insert: Read her book BIG MAGIC. This is the book to judge by it’s cover and more!;)

I listen to both of them and think, wasn’t I supposed to be doing that? Why did I not delve into my thoughts a little deeper and come up with those golden nuggets? Only because i know I had the very same doubts they had. The difference was they walked the extra mile or swam the extra foot to look into the well of their emotions.
Why did I not sit and write it down. I did not. So obviously I want to say ( and not be hard on myself) that it was not my thing to do. Inspiration knocked. I was too lazy, chicken, distracted, whatever to look into it and it moved on.

So again, it all ends up with the biggest question of my life. What is my thing to do?
I am almost as clueless as the next person.
But the one thing I know now for sure is that the only way I will know what, is by following my excitement and curiosity. And being honest with myself about all that I experience.

So my current intent and deep desire to pen and photograph everything is what I shall focus on. And let me just get it out the way by stating that it’s a complete selfish one.
It’s my way of experiencing this whole process of what I call my life. The learning and becoming of ME. Whoever that ME turns out to be. I focus on enjoying the journey and the creative process.

And so the answer to my other question of how this may go… I remind myself that all great things start from humble beginnings, and like someone wise once said:

“A journey of a thousand miles always starts with a single step.”

So hello single step. Here I am. I hope the view inspires me to climb on..meanwhile I shall stand and enjoy the present moment from right where I am.

SelfSupriya Kini